Mechatronic system assembly

System Assembly

Repeatable, high-complexity assemblies and prototypes

Next to making ultra-precision components, cabinets, and frames, at NTS we also excel at system assembly. The bottom line: putting all pieces together on time and ensuring the final product to meet the customer’s requirements. We have a broad expertise in Series Assembly, Cleanroom Assembly, Rapid Prototyping and New Product Introduction.

Series Assembly

With system assembly locations around the world, NTS provides customers with the flexibility to produce where it makes sense for them. The NTS assembly locations focus on the assembly of complex, low-volume products with a varied mix of technologies. During the systems assembly process, NTS tracks key performance indicators (KPI). Based on these indicators, NTS optimizes the assembly process with the product lifecycle requirements in mind. During the assembly process, NTS not only takes responsibility for product assembly, but also deals with the supply chain and logistics.

Cleanroom Assembly

We see a clear upward trend in the number of applications that require a clean environment. Not only in the semiconductor market, but also increasingly in the medical and analytical space. Key is to determine at an early stage that cleanliness is a requirement and what grade of cleanliness is required. NTS has a wealth of experience when it comes to cleanliness, from design, through prototype builds, to series production. Across NTS we have clean rooms ranging from grade 5 to 8.

Cleanroom Assembly at NTS

Rapid Prototyping

When building a prototype, quality and speed of execution are extremely important. NTS has a specialized team for building optical and mechatronic prototypes. NTS is able to carry out prototype and one-off projects completely internally: the true one-stop-shop principle. This service is of benefit to the customer in many ways, such as practical manufacturability and significantly shorter lead times. A prototype project is carried out in close collaboration with the customer. The NTS prototype project methodology includes various milestones and review moments to ensure that the customer remains well-informed throughout the entire process.

New Product Introduction (NPI)

Designing and building a functional prototype is one thing. Making sure that the final product can be built, repeatedly, in the same quality and at the right cost is a completely different story. NTS has decades of experience in bringing new products to market. Based on the customers’ Design for X (DfX) requirements, NTS design and production engineers, as well as supply chain and logistics specialists, work closely together to provide the customer with a product that matches the customers’ product requirements and can be manufactured to meet their total cost of ownership targets.

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Our skilled teams realize ultra-precise solutions and system assembly.

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Focus Areas

We develop, produce and assemble (opto-) mechatronic systems and mechanical modules.

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About NTS

With our global presence and technological expertise, we push the boundaries of possible.

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